PCOS & Your Body
Different types of bellies: What stomach shapes are common in females and what causes them?

Different types of bellies: What stomach shapes are common in females and what causes them?

Woman In Front of the Mirror

What kind of belly do I have? Click to find a detailed overview of different types of stomachs typically found in females and the factors affecting their formation.

Reviewed by
Jessica Craig, National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBHWC), Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor (CFNC), and Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist (CFNS)

In a nutshell

Although all female bodies are different and unique, different types of bellies typically represent a combination of opinions and observations from many people rather than scientifically proven facts. Yet, people recognize a variety of belly types, including:

  • Normal belly
  • Bloated belly
  • Hormonal belly
  • Gluten belly
  • Alcohol belly
  • Pregnancy belly

Every female body is unique and beautiful. Recognizing this uniqueness and embracing diversity is a crucial step to self-love and self-appreciation. In order to embrace it, let’s review the different types of bellies found in women and explore the factors affecting them.

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Belly Types Female: Understanding the Affecting Factors

It’s no secret that all people have some belly fat, whether they have flat abs or soft tummies. Due to a different muscle-to-fat ratio, females generally tend to have more fat stored in the abdominal area. Yet, not all bellies look the same.

Although there are no significant scientific studies of types of stomachs in females, looking at different women, it’s easy to notice how they are gorgeous in different ways. Female bellies are thought to vary in size and shape, and there might be a few reasons behind different belly types:

  • Genetics. Though there is no scientific evidence linking belly types to genetics, it’s proven that genetics (the gene KLF14, in particular) can affect how some females store and distribute fat in their bodies. Typically, the gene variation acts on tummy and hip fat, and thus, might cause the formation of different types of stomachs.
  • Hormonal fluctuations. Often, hormonal shifts, including natural ones during your menstrual cycle and those resulting from thyroid disorders, change fat storage patterns and lead to weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area.
  • Lifestyle. Speaking about varying belly shapes, it’s important to note that lifestyle patterns, including the level of physical activity and diet choices, can also affect your body fat percentage. Depending on your fat distribution pattern, this can also affect the size and shape of your stomach.
  • Age and life stages. It’s also worth noting that stomach shapes in females aren’t permanent throughout their entire life. The first changes happen during puberty when girls are actively changing their body shape and typically put up extra fat in their abdominal area. Similarly, your belly changes during pregnancy to facilitate a baby and postpartum when it tries to restore itself.
  • Health condition. Sometimes, the look and shape of your belly might be affected by a certain health condition you have. For example, women with PCOS are prone to bloating, which makes their stomachs look more rounded, full, and tight. Similarly, menopause leads to reduced estrogen levels, which often results in more active fat storage in the waist area.

Recognizing Different Stomach Shapes Common in Females

Although there are no science-backed definitions of different types of bellies, there are opinions that distinguish the following common variations of female stomachs: 

Normal Belly

Though there is no scientific definition of a “normal” belly, it’s believed that a “normal female belly” is a vague term that can be applied to a variety of stomach shapes that aren’t bloated or don’t have excessive fat accumulated in the waist area. This doesn’t necessarily mean that a normal belly has to be flat or demonstrate a six-pack. No, it typically has some fat percentage and usually has a bit of a bulge in the lower abdomen, which is part of a natural feminine stomach shape.

It’s worth noting that maintaining such a belly shape typically isn’t effortless, especially as you age. It often requires a balanced diet and consistent physical activity to keep a body fat percentage low.

Bloated Belly

Another incredibly common occurrence among different belly fat types doesn’t even have to do much with fat. A bloated belly looks swollen and full and typically occurs due to gas or water retention. It’s a rather uncomfortable occurrence that can even cause pain in the abdominal area. The causes of having such a belly can include:

  • Gas
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Constipation
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Food intolerance
  • Celiac disease
  • Over-the-top carbonated soft drinks consumption
  • Hormonal fluctuations, etc.

Battling a bloated belly typically requires making dietary adjustments, exploring your food sensitivities, and switching to a proper hydration mode.

Hormonal Belly

The term hormonal belly is used to describe weight gain around the abdomen caused by hormonal fluctuations or imbalances. It’s not a confirmed medical condition but a possible symptom of inner imbalances. A hormone belly shape typically shows up as a rounder, bulging stomach area (similar to an apple-shaped body type) with a higher visceral fat percentage around the internal organs.

Though the causes can vary, common issues contributing to the formation of a hormonal belly include cortisol dysfunction, thyroid disease, etc. The only effective way to manage this belly type is to detect imbalances and regulate hormones through a balanced diet, stress management, exercise, and medical remedies.

Gluten Belly

Gluten belly is a term some people with gluten or celiac disease use to explain the changes in their stomach appearance caused by gluten intolerance. A gluten belly shape looks larger and rounder than a normal stomach. It’s usually accompanied by noticeable swelling and bloating, along with gassiness and, sometimes, abdominal pain. All these symptoms appear as an immune/inflammatory response to gluten consumption.

So there is actually no such thing as gluten belly fat since your body’s response to gluten is rather swelling and bloating. Respectively, managing it can seem a little complicated. Typically, the symptoms can only disappear with time. However, you can drink plenty of water and try remedies like peppermint, ginger, and heat to speed up recovery.

Alcohol Belly

An alcohol belly isn’t a medical term but a popular name for a protruding abdomen or an enlarged waist caused by alcohol consumption. Studies confirm that moderate to high consumption of alcohol might be linked to an increase in visceral fat in females, which can cause your stomach to grow.

What does an alcoholic belly look like? Among the common characteristics is a round, protruding stomach, with more fat concentrated in the midsection. If you look up “alcohol belly woman,” you can notice that it often looks like a “potbelly” or sagging lower belly. In the meantime, the rest of the body typically remains lean.

If you want to get rid of an alcohol belly, it’s typically recommended to reduce (or better exclude completely) alcohol consumption and rethink your diet to give your body more nutrients to recover.

Pregnancy Belly

Among the different kinds of belly fat described above, it’s important to mention the different shapes of pregnancy bellies. Some pregnancy bellies are more rounded like a basketball, whereas others are more prolonged like watermelons. They can be very prominent or don’t show much or be placed higher or lower. Speaking about pregnancy bellies, we have to note that there is no one “normal” way they should look. The shape and size of your bump can be affected by many factors, including:

  • Your height and weight
  • Muscle mass
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Trimester
  • Fetus size
  • Type of pregnancy (aka multiples), etc.

A rather common concern is the so-called “b belly.” In a nutshell, this is a type of belly that has a crease or waistband in the middle, making it look like a letter “B” from the side. Among the common b belly causes are a higher pre-pregnancy body mass and fascial health.

Understanding the Different Types of Stomach Fat

While different types of belly aren’t scientifically backed, it is confirmed that there are only two types of stomach fat. So if you’re wondering “What kind of belly do I have” and want to find an effective solution, it can be helpful to understand them.

The two belly fat types female are:

  • Subcutaneous fat - This type of fat is found under your skin in the form of subcutaneous adipose tissue. This fat is soft, which is why bellies with this type are soft and “jiggling” as well. It’s typically formed due to a non-healthy diet and lifestyle, as well as low muscle mass caused by insufficient physical activity.
  • Visceral fat - This type of fat is found deeper in your abdomen, surrounding organs like the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Unlike subcutaneous fat, it’s not noticeable on the outside, which is why it’s considered to be more harmful. It typically shows itself in the form of a very swollen, tight belly when there is excess visceral fat. Losing this fat also requires sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercising, though sometimes it can require a medical intervention.

What Type of Belly Do I Have?

Now that you know about the different types of belly fat female and common types of belly shapes, you might be wondering “What type of belly fat do I have, in particular?” Answering this question can be quite tricky due to a lack of scientific research on this matter. However, if you look up “Types of belly fat pictures” on the Internet, it can give you more clarity in terms of what kind of belly you have.

Yet, remember that self-diagnosis is most often invalid and dangerous. So if you have any concerns about your belly, it’s best to seek medical advice. A healthcare provider can help you detect any possible issues and create a personalized plan for recovery.


Different types of bellies are a normal occurrence explained by the individuality and uniqueness of our bodies. Though they may lack scientific research and facts, we can distinguish many types of stomach shapes commonly found in females, including:

  • Normal belly
  • Bloated belly
  • Hormonal belly
  • Gluten belly
  • Alcohol belly
  • Pregnancy belly

After reading this guide, you should have a better understanding of what each of these belly types looks like, what might cause it, and how to address it.

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