PCOS Weight Loss
Ideal sugar levels for weight loss: How blood sugar affects fat burning.

Ideal sugar levels for weight loss: How blood sugar affects fat burning.

A Glucometer and a Lancet Pen Beside a Calendar

Discover the ideal blood sugar levels for weight loss and how to maintain them for better metabolism and sustainable fat loss. Learn about glucose metabolism, the impact of carbs and how glucose monitoring can help optimize results.

Reviewed by
Ekaterina Ripp, MD. Cardiologist, Medical Content Specialist, Health Writer

Losing weight can feel like a huge task, especially with so much conflicting advice out there. While exercise and a balanced diet are essential, they’re not the only factors. Blood sugar levels play a key role in metabolism, hunger, and fat storage, making them a crucial part of the process. 

Knowing the ideal blood sugar levels for weight loss, and how to achieve it, can help you reach your goals more efficiently and sustainably.

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The role of blood sugar in weight loss 

Before we look at ideal blood sugar levels for weight loss, let’s first break down the science behind blood sugar levels, energy, and its effect on weight loss. 

How sugar metabolism affects weight loss 

Glucose, derived from carbohydrates, is the body’s primary energy source. When you eat foods containing carbohydrates, your body breaks the food down into glucose (sugar) triggering the following: 

1. Glucose is absorbed from the gut into the bloodstream. 

2. Blood sugar levels rise causing the pancreas to produce the hormone insulin.
3. Insulin triggers your body’s cells to absorb sugar from the blood for energy and to store excess sugars in the liver and muscles or as fat. 

4. Blood sugar levels drop as glucose is absorbed into the cells. 

5. As blood sugar levels drop, another hormone called glucagon is released by the pancreas. 

6. Glucagon signals the liver to release stored sugar or to burn fat for energy. 

Ultimately, high blood sugar levels trigger the release of insulin. Increased insulin levels lead to glucose being driven into the cells for energy and excess glucose being stored as fat, which causes weight gain.

Ideal blood sugar levels for weight loss 

Fasting blood sugar (at least 8 hours after eating): 70–100 mg/dL (optimal range for fat burning) 

Post—meal blood sugar: Below 140mg/dL within two hours after eating. 

High blood sugar levels not only lead to increased fat storage but can also result in insulin resistance and eventually Type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, severely restricting what you eat can slow your metabolism and lead to low blood sugar which can make you excessively hungry and drive you to eat the wrong foods. 

Please note that target blood sugar ranges can vary based on individual health conditions. It’s important to consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Glucose and weight loss: What to know 

Carbohydrates and blood sugar levels 

Carbohydrates are broken down by your body into sugar and therefore play a big role in how your blood sugar levels fluctuate. But, not all carbs are equal there is a huge variation between carbs and how they affect your blood sugar levels and consequently your insulin levels. 

Simple carbs: These are quickly digested and cause rapid blood sugar spikes. They are typically the carbs found in highly processed foods, foods with added processed sugar, white bread, white pasta, sugary drinks and pastries. While they can provide quick energy they often lead to blood sugar spikes, crashes and increased sugar cravings. 

Complex carbs: These take longer to digest and therefore release sugar into the blood in a steady stream leading to stable blood sugar levels and less insulin release. They reduce hunger and promote fat loss. 

Not all simple and complex carbs have the same effect on your blood sugar levels, so scientists developed a way of ranking how different foods will affect your blood sugar levels. 

The glycemic index (GI): This ranks foods based on how quickly they raise blood sugar (and therefore how much insulin you will likely release). High—GI foodstuffs like white rice, potatoes, and highly processed foods cause spikes, while low—GI foods, like beans and pulses and non—starchy vegetables, have a slower and more gradual effect on blood sugar. 

Glycemic load (GL): This goes one step further than GI and takes into account portion size. So, a high GI food may cause a low GL if eaten in small portions, sometimes making it a better option. 

How blood sugar fluctuations impact weight loss 

Spikes: Lead to increased insulin release which causes an increase in fat storage. ● Crashes: These can cause excessive hunger, binge eating, and sugar cravings.

Stable levels: Allows for sustained energy and encourages your cells to burn fat as an energy source. 

The role of wearable glucose monitoring in weight loss What are wearable glucose monitors? 

Wearable glucose monitors, also called continuous glucose monitors (CGM), track your blood sugar levels in real—time. They can’t tell you your insulin levels, but tracking your blood sugar levels continuously can give you an idea of when your body is releasing insulin and how effectively it’s working. 

How wearables help optimize sugar levels for fat loss 

CGMs were originally designed for diabetics, to help them monitor and treat their blood sugar levels. However, they have started to become popular amongst non—diabetics as they allow for personalized insights into how your body reacts to different foods. 

Personalized insights: Identify which foods cause blood sugar spikes and enable you to track your glycemic load. Not every person will react the same way to the same food.

Diet optimization: Allows you to adjust your meals based on real-time glucose data. ● Metabolic flexibility: It can help you learn how different foods and activities impact glucose levels and how you can keep a stable blood sugar that best promotes fat burning. 

Practical tips to help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels for weight loss 

Dietary strategies 

Here are three strategies to help you maintain stable blood sugar levels that promote fat-burning and weight loss. 

1. Prioritize protein and healthy (unsaturated) fats: These aren’t broken down into glucose, they also help to slow glucose absorption from the gut reducing sugar spikes. A small 2003 study found that a high protein diet lowers post-meal blood glucose levels and improves overall glucose control. 

2. Choose low GI foods: Foods like whole grains, vegetables, and, legumes typically have a low GI and can be eaten in larger portions without spiking your blood sugar levels. This

enables you to feel full and get a steady release of energy stopping sugar crashes or cravings. 

3. Increase fibre intake: Your body doesn’t break—down and absorb fibre, meaning fibre doesn’t cause blood sugar spikes as carbs do. According to the Mayo Clinic, eating more fibre leads to you feeling full for longer and helps with weight control. Foods like lentils, black beans, and chia seeds are naturally high in fibre. 

Lifestyle habits 

While what—you—eat plays a huge role in your blood sugar levels, other lifestyle habits can also have an effect. Here are some healthy lifestyle habits to help support glucose regulation: 

Exercise regularly. The CDC recommends adults get at least 150 mins of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise a week, or 20–25 min a day. Moderate exercise is any exercise that increases your breathing rate (how quickly you breathe) but not so much that you can’t talk. Moderate exercise can be things like swimming, a brisk walk, or cycling. They also suggest 2 sessions of muscle strengthening a week as well, which can be combined with aerobic activity. Exercise lowers your blood sugar levels and helps your body burn fat resulting in weight loss. 

Manage stress. High—levels of stress can cause blood sugar levels to rise due to hormones being released in response to stress. In the long run, this can lead to insulin resistance and rarely, diabetes. Prioritizing time to relax as well as practicing relaxing techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing techniques can help relax your body and mind. 

● Get quality sleep. Getting good quality sleep can have an impact on blood sugar levels and overall health. A 2022 study published in Diabetologia looked at 953 adults and found that poor sleep and going to bed later were associated with higher blood sugar levels after breakfast the next morning. 


If you have any concerns about your blood sugar levels speak to a healthcare provider. Chronically raised blood sugar levels can lead to pre—diabetes or type 2 diabetes. These medical conditions require careful monitoring and long—term management.


Blood sugar levels play an important role in weight control, and maintaining stable blood sugar levels can help you to lose weight sustainably. Spikes in blood sugar levels trigger the release of

insulin, which drives glucose into your cells and signals your body to store excess glucose as fat leading to weight gain. 

In order to successfully and sustainably lose weight, you need to avoid both blood sugar spikes and crashes. While your blood sugar is high your body will not burn fat for energy, but if it dips too low it can lead to excessive hunger and sugar cravings. 

Maintaining stable blood sugar levels through a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise will lead to sustainable weight loss. Continuous glucose monitoring can help you keep track of your sugar levels and learn how different foods uniquely impact your body.

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