PCOS Weight Loss
Intermittent fasting by body type: Tips for optimizing your diet and exercise for the best outcomes

Intermittent fasting by body type: Tips for optimizing your diet and exercise for the best outcomes

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How to adjust your intermittent fasting according to body type? Click to find a definitive guide to body types with diet and exercise tips for weight-loss success.

Reviewed by
Jessica Craig, National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBHWC), Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor (CFNC), and Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist (CFNS)

In a nutshell

The main reason why you should adjust the approach to intermittent fasting by body type is because your body type can determine your metabolic rate and individual response to fasting. Thus, adjusting your diet plan to your unique specs can help achieve faster and better results.

Namely, here are the fasting types recommended for different body types:

  • Ectomorphs - 12:12 or 14:10
  • Mesomorphs - 16:8
  • Endomorphs - 18:6; or 24-hour fasting once or twice a week

Intermittent fasting is a dieting plan that implies switching between fasting and eating windows according to a fixed schedule. It can be an effective solution for weight loss and managing certain health conditions that involve insulin sensitivity issues. Yet, in order to get the most out of it, it’s important to define the right type of intermittent fasting according to body type.

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The Role of Body Type in Intermittent Fasting Effectiveness

Although intermittent fasting can be effective for you regardless of your current weight or composition, body type can actually affect the effectiveness of your eating plan.

To be more specific, different body types imply different metabolic rates and, thus, can adjust your individual response to fasting. The muscle-to-fat ratio also affects whether you will lose more fat or muscles during fasting.

Adjusting your approach to fasting based on body type can eventually help you achieve set goals faster, eliminating the hurdles along the way.

Understanding the Three Main Body Types

When talking about body types, many people think of it as shape. Based on shape, there are many different body types, including:

  • Pear shaped
  • Apple shaped
  • Carrot
  • Hourglass
  • Celery

These body types are distinguished based on their appearance dictated by fat distribution. Yet, if we’re talking about picking the right type of intermittent fasting based on body type, we should focus on three body types classified by scientific research.


The main characteristics of this body type include a very high metabolic rate and natural thinness. People who have it tend to burn many calories and stay lean, having a hard time gaining muscle or weight. For this type, fasting shouldn’t make calorie intake too low as it can lead to significant muscle loss.


The main characteristics of this body type include a balanced metabolism and naturally fit composition. These people typically can lose or gain weight quickly and easily. This body type generally adapts to different fasting approaches well.


The main characteristics of this body type include slowed metabolism and an increased tendency to store excess fat. Typically, people with this type struggle to lose weight even on calorie deficits because their slow metabolism is often enhanced with insulin sensitivity. For this body type, prolonged fasting windows may help control insulin spikes and facilitate more efficient fat burning.

How to Detect Your Body Type?

Generally, the descriptions provided above should help you understand what body type you have based on its appearance. However, if you are not confident, you can look up intermittent fasting according to body type test or body type calculator to identify your specific type and adjust your eating plan accordingly.

Intermittent Fasting Body Type: Best Approaches for Different Types

After determining what kind of body you have, you can start practicing intermittent fasting with a focus on your needs and goals. Below we will provide some recommendations on effective fasting based on body type.

Fasting for Ectomorphs

Being naturally lean, ectomorphs typically don’t need to lose weight but rather stay fit and grow muscles. Thus, they need shorter fasting windows and longer eating windows during which they need to consume enough calories. More relaxed approaches to intermittent fasting, such as 12:12 or 14:10 might be a perfect choice. A 12 or 10-hour eating window will give you enough time to squeeze in at least 3 meals every day and prevent excessive weight loss.

Additionally, to support your muscle growth, be sure to follow these tips:

  • Eat a lot of calories. Ideally, add at least 500 calories to your daily calorie intake recommendation.
  • Eat frequent meals (5-6 per day), evenly spaced throughout the day.
  • Focus on carbs and protein-rich foods.

Fasting for Mesomorphs

Mesomorphs usually don’t have issues with gaining or losing weight. Hence, if this is your body type, you need to adjust your eating plan based on the specific goals that you have.

In most cases, it will be maintaining the weight you currently have. In this case, the basic, 16:8 fasting pattern should be a good bet. Additional dieting tips to keep in mind include:

  • Have 3-4 meals a day.
  • Stick to the daily amount of calories recommended for your height and weight.
  • Focus on balance in your diet, consuming equal amounts of carbs, protein, and fruits/vegetables.
  • Consider adding additional protein if you exercise to allow better muscle repair.

Fasting on Endomorphs

Endomorphs are dealing with one of the hardest body types and often find it hard to lose weight. Nevertheless, intermittent fasting might benefit this body type the most, giving them a way to manage their weight and insulin without severe restrictions. For endomorphs, prolonged fasting is associated with enhanced metabolic rate and overall health span.

If this is your body type, you will need to choose a more restrictive eating schedule, such as 18:6 or 24-hour fasting once or twice a week. To get the best outcomes, also follow these tips:

  • Don’t attempt to cut your calories drastically as it can only slow down your metabolism.
  • Make a big part of your meal plan consist of high-volume, low-calorie foods but don’t forget about eating carbs, proteins, and fiber in balance.
  • Avoid foods that spike insulin levels.
  • Consider any underlying health conditions, such as PCOS or endometriosis, diabetes, and others that might make it harder for you to lose weight so that you can take a holistic approach.

Intermittent Fasting Based on Belly Type

Apart from considering your body type, you can also consider different belly types when determining the right form of intermittent fasting for you. Though there is no sufficient scientific grounding, you can identify several belly types based on their appearance and fat distribution, such as:

  • Hormonal belly;
  • Gluten belly;
  • Bloated belly, etc.

Some of these belly types may indicate hidden underlying issues, such as hormonal imbalances or gas retention. By identifying the specific type of belly that you have, you can explore what dietary adjustments you should make to improve the quality of your body.

Complementing Fasting With Regular Exercise

Once you pick the right approach to intermittent fasting belly type or based on the overall type of body, you can start implementing your diet. In addition to it, it’s recommended to integrate regular physical activity and exercise for greater outcomes.

Here are some exercise tips tailored to each body type:

  • Ectomorphs - Focus on strength training to grow muscle mass and implement resistance exercises to prevent excess muscle loss.
  • Mesomorphs - Support your body with a combination of cardio and strength training to preserve muscle mass and get lean.
  • Endomorphs - Consider integrating strength and high-intensity interval training to stimulate fat loss while also building muscles.


How does body type affect intermittent fasting?

Your body type, fat distribution, and muscle-to-fat ratio affect your basal metabolic rate and determine how your body will respond to fasting. It also determines whether you will lose more fat or muscle, which also matters for developing an effective eating plan.

What is the difference between the three main body types?

Scientific research classifies three main body types - ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs. Ectomorphs are naturally lean and have a fast metabolic rate. Mesomorphs have more of an athletic build and a balanced metabolism. And endomorphs tend to gain more weight and fat and have slow metabolism.

What’s the best type of fasting for my body type?

The form of intermittent fasting should be determined based on your specific body type, as well as your specific body goals. Here’s an overview of recommended types of intermittent fasting for body type:

  • Ectomorphs - 12:12 or 14:10
  • Mesomorphs - 16:8
  • Endomorphs - 18:6; or 24-hour fasting once or twice a week


Intermittent fasting is a popular eating plan that implies switching between fasting and eating windows throughout the day. This form of diet is associated with a variety of benefits, including simple weight management with less severe restrictions, improvement of insulin resistance, and others. Yet, while it can have multiple benefits, the only way to get the most out of it is to adjust your intermittent fasting according to body type.

As you now know, the three body types classified based on build and metabolic rate are - ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Each of these body types has its own specs and challenges and thus, requires a different approach to lose weight and build muscle.

After reading this article, you should have a better idea of how to adjust your diet plan to your body type for maximum results. Start implementing these tips in life to reach your body goals.

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